Sep 21, 2006


All aware consciences,
Human rights defenders

Independent Tribunals

Reverently; referring to my letter to Excellency Secretary General of United Nations Organization, Mr. Kofi Annan, attached classified ID documents:
04/pL/407, M-7854, 05/07/2004
:And published in
Reporting the violation of educational rights in my country and demanding the interpellation of Islamic Republic Regime's leaders of Iran, has been ignored and no action or measure has been taken by the Excellency Secretary General of United Nations Organization.
Please be informed, I am demanding to try and punishment of Mr. Kofi Annan, On charges of cooperation and alliance with Islamic Government, in violation of Human Rights and crime against humanity; I appreciate the consideration and support of all aware consciences, in hope to defend the human rights values and in order to bring those responsible of these crimes to Independent tribunals to justice%
 Ahmad MAZAHERI - On strike teacher